CFI hosted the Young Talent Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany

CFI’s Young Talent Conference is an excellent opportunity for our more junior colleagues to meet, learn, and form deeper connections within our international network. Our second ever, this year’s young talents were hosted in Düsseldorf, Germany, and we hope they had as good a time there as we did hosting them.

Utilising our internal experts, we were able to hold a comprehensive tutorial on M&A structure and strategy, including advice on market research, client relations and the strategic implications of different data from the decades of experience within CFI. To provide an external perspective, rhetoric coach Michael Rossie gave a presentation regarding presentation skills and maintaining audience engagement.

Our participants had the chance to work together and engage in a friendly competition to test their skills in their own pitch presentation for a theoretical buy-side mandate, upon which they received feedback from CFI’s board members.

We would like to congratulate every participant on their hard work and diligence over the course of our time together. We look forward to being able to meet again in next year’s Young Talent Conference, to continue to strengthen the bonds of our international community.

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